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July 1, 2020
Animal Communication

An Unexpected Visit from a Blue Jay

An Unexpected Visit from the Blue Jay

The East Coast of Australia had been ablaze for months earlier this year with many millions of animals perishing, habitats and food sources lost. I particularly wanted to see the impact this had on some of our Australian native animals. I wasn't targeting any specific animal, I was open to whoever felt they wanted to represent their species to join me in conversation.

You can imagine my surprise as I waited for a koala, wombat, kangaroo or maybe even a goanna to saunter into my intuitive field only to find my vision filled with this high energy, dancing, face pulling, vibrant blue bird. I am told this bird is a Blue Jay. A Blue Jay?! I literally laughed out loud when I thought about who I'd set out to talk to and who I got. You couldn't get any further from an Australian native if you tried, a bird located across the globe in North America.

Who am I to decide who attend these meetings though and as I am completely uneducated in the world of the Blue Jay I was intrigued to chat. (Side note: this bird felt very masculine so I will speak in terms of "he and him" for the purposes of keeping my lack of writing prowess understandable.) I started by asking if they felt stress in this current environment.

Blue Jay had to think about this for a moment before responding. He tells me stress is more a human concern and they try to just go with the flow of life and all its changes. He shares with me their numbers are dropping with the growing number of new diseases running through their flocks. He doesn't appear too perturbed as he dances around like Chuck Berry saying, "we roll with it as we can. It's no concern, it just is what it is."

Me: When you say different diseases, what are you talking about?

BJ: Respiratory diseases mostly. There are some odd growths on our legs from nuclear fallout, our hearing isn't as clear and our sight is diminishing. This is more an affect of pollution rather than global warming which people are always talking about.

I am shown a vapour plume and told this is the result of the plethora of plastic that's letting off toxic fumes.

Me: Do you feel mental or emotional stress?

BJ: Only when our mates pass, but it doesn't last.

I sit with that to get a sense of what it looked like from their perspective. It feels somewhere from 2-10 minutes. If man has caused them to pass I feel a building of internal energy that pulls the soul from the bird's body. If their death is through predator like a hawk or eagle the transition of the soul from the body has a more natural, cycle of life type of feeling to it. It's difficult to describe that sense, but it is a smoother transition and requires far less energy.

Me: Do you grieve when your mate passes?

BJ: We mourn for a day or two, but we have a realistic view on life. It is purely a moving of energy.

I see a vibration beginning at the head, moving out through the feathers, down the legs and into the ground. It harmonizes and balances their energy in a way that is clearing, renewing and refreshing.

The Blue Jay had such an optimistic and fun (and funny) vibe to him and like all animals I've spoken to to date a really practical take on life and their circumstances. They keep doing what they do with enthusiasm regardless of a situation they can't change and have no control over.

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